My latest obsession Burt’s Bees Tinted Lip Balm | Beauty

I’ve never been much of a lip girl, I’m more of a strong eye plain lip person. Avoiding even tinted lip balm for fear of ending up looking like a kid who’s just eaten a melting ice lolly. I rarely…


I love my Muff #muffmadness | Beauty

So how do I start a blog post about feminine hygiene? It’s a bit of an awkward topic to be honest. I’m 26, and I still laugh when I see Vagisil on a shop shelf. I don’t know how everyone else…


6 Tips For Shiny Hair Tips #30daysnoheat | Hair

TOP TIPS FOR SHINY HAIR My friend Regan is the brain child behind Ruby Hair Designs and has kindly written this guest blog for my #30daysnoheat blog to guide us to shiny hair!   It’s not easy to get beautiful,…


#30DaysNoHeat Split ends under the Microscope | HAIR

As you probably know I’m trying to take better care of myself recently. After 26 years of abuse my hair is crying out for help. In my teens my hair was every colour of the rainbow and more, which, when…


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